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Hey Guys!

One thing I lacked in my closet is a basic pair of black heels or even pumps. I actually have a pair but the store didn’t have my size, so I had to buy the size up (I know tragic, right haha?). Since that pair is just collecting dust in my closet, it was time to find a new pair. Luckily, the owner, of After 5 Klassy shoes reached out to me to do a review on a pair of their shoes.

After 5 Klassy is an online website based in the Chicago, Illinois area. They are an affordable brand; the prices range from about $20-40 before taxes and shipping. The shoe I had chose was the “Julie”. Here’s a few details about my girl, Julie:

  1. comfortable

  2. simple, yet trendy

  3. about a 3.5/4 in.

  4. clear, block heel

  5. gold buckle detailing

Now I’m usually all for a skinny heel, but sometimes it’s good to have a blocked heel for the extra bit of support. Let’s talk, size. I had originally asked for a 6 1/2 and it was sold out. Thank the Lord, I didn’t get it because the 6 is good for my foot. Now I do have a little bit a room in the back, where my heel is, but going down a size would’ve been too small and my toes would’ve been coming off of the shoe. I work in heels 8 hours and by the time, I get home I’m dying for a foot massage. I wore the Julie for at least half the day and didn’t have one complaint.

Here’s some of my issues: shipping! I was actually supposed to receive these shoes in January, but USPS is a pain the butt and then other things popped up in my life that had to push back the shipping date, since I wasn’t going to be home.

Another issue, I had was with the styles that were offered. I do have to say that, Julie, was one that caught my eye and possibly 1 or 2 more styles. I feel as though the brand needs to keep up with the shoe trends that are in season. Don’t get me wrong, After 5 Klassy shoes has unique pieces but a few of the styles are a little out dated to me. I did see they have some amazing new styles coming soon though, so I can’t wait to for those to be on the website!

At the end of it all, I’m beyond happy with the Julie. It fits my fashionable lifestyle and I’ll be wearing it to dinner on Sunday (;

Hey Everyone!

While I was supposed to be looking for holiday looks the other day, I had scrolled past these neon green mules. I tried to stay focused on my holiday outfit search but I started getting some inspiration from movies that I used to watch as a child.

Now I was a Disney channel and Nickelodeon type of girl. Sorry, I didn’t watch Cartoon Network, I actually hated Cartoon Network. The Disney Channel movie, Motocrossed, had popped in my head. It’s the movie, where the girl takes her brothers place in the Motocross races. Now I’ve always wanted to try Motocross racing, but I never had the chance. After looking scrolling past the mules, I had seen Collusion did a motocross collection..perfect timing. Both the mules and shirt were purchased and I already had an idea of how I was going to style them.

I wore the Collusion t-shirt with a vinyl skirt and styled them with the neon green mules. I accessorized with the square bag from ASOS. This shows you that you get inspired from anything or anyone, whether it be a color, a person, a TV show, etc. I’m obsessed with this look! Now someone take me to a Motocross race haha!


The Gravitissima, the newest boot in my collection. Can you say fabulous or what ? I died when I saw these boots in the store. Of course, I had to try them on and before you know it, they were in a shopping bag. The boots have a 4 inch heel and a spandex like material, so if you plan on wearing them in 80 degree whether don’t because it wasn’t a great experience getting them off after haha.They are thigh boots, so on us short people they go all the way up your thigh, hunny!

Now we all know Louboutin aren’t that comfy, but these boots are actually comfortable wearing for hours. These boots definitely made a statement during my photoshoot because people were turning their heads left and right and giving me compliments. The boot’s print, which is called, Wallgraf is inspired by modern day street art and urban energy. The boot is too colorful for words!

I honestly had no idea what to wear with them at first and then I got some random inspiration! I wore the boots with a low cut kimono dress and accessorized with a gold cage bag and sunglasses.


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