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Interning for Miami Swim Week 2017

Miami Swim Week has just ended and I feel like I can finally sit back, relax and enjoy a glass of wine (maybe two). I wanted to tell you guys a little bit about my interning experience at Miami Swim Week with Showroom 212.

Last year I interned with Showroom 212, which is based in New York. It’s a showroom that carries mostly Brazilian swimwear brands. I actually found the internship on and I was beyond excited to see that the same showroom was looking for an intern for Miami Swim Week 2017. I immediately applied and few days later, I received an email from the sales manager, Gabriele. Gabriele was super sweet and informed of the dates and times, they needed. She, also, let me know about the brand I would be working with Triya.

Triya is a Brazilian brand that carries swimwear. The swimsuits are amazing, a few of them actually caught my eye (definitely purchasing one ASAP). I got to intern at the swim show located in the Miami Convention Center. All the brands that attend the show have their own booth showcasing their new samples. The brands even had models wearing some of their items to show buyers what they look like on a person’s body. Believe me, it looks completely different on your body than it does on a hanger. Throughout the week I got to help with set up, organization of swimwear on the racks, converse with buyers about Triya, how to take notes for the buyers, and more! I’m so appreciative of this opportunity to work Swim Week with Showroom 212 again because it was a learning experience and has prepared me for what I take on next !

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