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Why I Started This Blog

I’ve always been into fashion since I can remember. I feel like I embraced my style more when I got to college especially being in Miami I was able to express myself more. While I was in college, I would always dress up for class or even if we went out to a party, restaurant, etc. I was dressed up to the nines. People would compliment me on my outfits and ask me where I got certain items from.

What do you know in 2016, I started my fashion blog. I originally started this blog to just show case my outfits. Then I had sat down one day and realized I wanted to give people advice on how to style certain items, especially shoes (; I want people to feel inspired by the outfits I come up with and add their own little twist to it, to be inspired to wear whatever they want and not give a crap what people think, to just be inspired to be themselves.

I’m trying to show people more of what my life is, but sometimes that gets hard for me. Yes, there’s a lot of good things that happen to be, but don’t be fooled there’s bad things that happen, as well. I’ve been rejected and told “No” by brands before about collaboration opportunities and even styling opportunities. Life is honestly a bunch of ups and downs that you just have to make the best out of.

It’s been a good 3 years of blogging and I love every second of it. Hopefully, I’ve been inspiring some of you with your outfits or helping you figure out what items to put with what. If you like what I’ve been doing, continue to stay along for the ride and I promise you won’t be disappointed.


Paige Alexis

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