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Words of Wisdome

You know that saying “Support People Who Support You”? Well for me, this saying has been coming to fruition more and more these days. All my friends have been accomplishing great things, whether it is starting their own business, succeeding in their new job, or even becoming certified to become an athletic trainer. All of them have been and continue to make me proud.  I need to recognize one person, at this moment, and his name is Donte’ Roberts.

Now Donte’ has been supporting me since day one and as goes for me.  He recently started his own business called Words of Wisdome. I asked him some questions pertaining to his brand and here is his perspective:

1. What influenced you to start Words of Wisdome?

Words of Wisdome was influenced by a number of things. One of the more prominent influences was life. Words are powerful and it would be pretty hard to live a life without using them. I wanted to find a way to help people keep a positive mindset throughout their daily lives using words. Then, I began to notice how many people were attracted to caps (specifically dad hats). Everywhere I went someone would be wearing a cap, let’s say like a 1:6 ratio. The designs on the hat lacked creativity to me though. And in many cases the designs lacked substance. Why not use that space for something positive? From there, Words of Wisdome was born.

2. Why this brand?

God, no other reason. I had no intentions on doing anything remotely close to this. Honestly, I did not like selling anything to my friends prior to this. I would rather just give it to you, whatever “it” is. I could not keep ignoring the signs though. Everything came to me naturally.

3. What is Words of Wisdome to you?

Words of Wisdome is a company that supports all like-minded people. That does not mean we all agree on everything. One thing that we do agree on is that having a positive mindset can help us achieve positive results. We look ensure that everyone around us has a positive mindset. Whether you want to be a trillionaire or be the first in your family to finish high school, we support you. And we are here to provide extra motivation whenever that fuel starts to run low. I think it is a company where all people are equal and they positively impact one another. Collaboration is big to us because NOBODY can succeed without a team. Our existence as people was even a joint effort between two parents, so teamwork is pivotal for Words of Wisdome.

4. Short term goals, if any?

Our short term goals are to vigorously spread the message. The goal is to promote positive mindset that can lead to positive actions. If we can ensure that you keep a positive mindset, then we have succeeded. So many people live their lives doubting their potential. We are often consumed by a life of fear and negative thoughts instead of actually trying. We want to change that. And be the support or the extra push to keep you on the right track regardless of what is going on in that present moment.

Donte’s brand, Words of Wisdome, has had a great start since the hats came out. I can’t wait to see what else he has in store for the future.

To order a hat from Words of Wisdome check out their Instagram below:

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